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#!/usr/bin/perl #Maillqto - summarize hosts for which there is undeliverable mail # Steve Kinzler,, Oct 91 # $usage = "usage: $0 [ -l ] [ -s ] -l include mailq output after the summary -s read mailq output from stdin instead of mailq command\n"; die $usage if $h || @ARGV; %cal = ('Jan', 0, 'Feb', 31, 'Mar', 59, 'Apr', 90, 'May', 120, 'Jun', 151, 'Jul', 181, 'Aug', 212, 'Sep', 243, 'Oct', 273, 'Nov', 304, 'Dec', 334); ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime time; $now = $yday + ($hour * 60 + $min) / 1440; $localhost = $ENV{'HOST'} || $ENV{'HOSTNAME'}; chop($localhost = `(hostname) 2> /dev/null`) unless $localhost; chop($localhost = `uname -n`) unless $localhost; $localhost =~ s/\..*//; $localhost = 'localhost' unless $localhost; open(MAILQ, ($s) ? '< -' : 'mailq |'); @mailq = <MAILQ>; close(MAILQ); @items = split(/\n ?[^-\s]/, join('', (@mailq, " A\n"))); shift @items; pop @items; foreach (@items) { @__ = split(/\n/); next unless $__[1] =~ s/^\s{2,}\(((Deferred|reply):?\s*)?(.*)\)\s*$/$3/i; $age = &age(split(/\s+/, $__[0])); foreach $i (2 .. $#__) { $host = &hostname($__[$i]); $count{$host}++; $ages{$host} = $age if ! defined $ages{$host} || $ages{$host} < $age; } $reasons{$host} = (($__[1] =~ /^(\s|$)/) ? '' : ' ') . $__[1]; } foreach (sort byage keys %count) { $out = sprintf("%2d %s %s%s\n", $count{$_}, &prage($ages{$_}), $_, $reasons{$_}); $out =~ s/^(.{0,79}).*/$1/; push(@output, $out); } print((@output) ? @output : "Undeliverable mail queue is empty\n"); print "\n", @mailq if $l; sub byage { ($ages{$a} == $ages{$b}) ? $a gt $b : $ages{$a} < $ages{$b}; } sub age { $year-- if $mon == 0 && $_[3] eq 'Dec'; $day = $cal{$_[3]}; $day++ if $year % 4 == 0 && $_[3] ne 'Jan' && $_[3] ne 'Feb'; $_[5] =~ /(.*):(.*)/; $then = $day + $_[4] - 1 + ($1 * 60 + $2) / 1440; $age = $now - $then; $age = (($year % 4 == 0) ? 366 : 365) - $then + $now if $age < 0; return $age; } sub prage { $days = int($_[0]); $hrs = ($_[0] - $days) * 24; $mins = int(($hrs - int($hrs)) * 60); $hrs = int($hrs); $hrs = "0$hrs" if $hrs < 10; $mins = "0$mins" if $mins < 10; return "$days,$hrs:$mins"; } sub hostname { local($_) = $_[0]; s/^\s*//; s/.*<//; s/>.*$//; s/\s.*//; s/"(.*)::.*"/$1/; s/^\@?$localhost(|\.[^:@%!]*)://io || s/\@$localhost(|\.[^:@%!]*)$//io || s/%$localhost(|\.[^:@%!]*)$//io || s/^$localhost(|\.[^:@%!]*)!//io; return $localhost unless /[:@%!]/; s/:.*//; s/.*\@//; s/.*%//; s/!.*// && (/\./ || s/$/.uucp/); y/A-Z/a-z/; $_ = 'UNKNOWN' if /^$/ || /[^+-\.0-9_a-z]/; return $_; } #### END OF SCRIPT

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